dance: the ineffable sense of saying what we cannot say with words, expressing the unthinkable, thinking the unapprehensible. There will be always dance as the essence of a romance, of a world filled with cadence, moved by the spirit in decence, never in decadance, but dance as the sense.
Danser: saisir l'unsaississable, encedier un uncertain moment qui s'épanoui, fournée fugace, que dans un instant se trace, esfumé par son propre feu, peut-etre vivre dans l'eau juste pour entendre la musique et faire d'elle une attente d'etre dans l'éther, éternel, joyeux et quelquefois jovial, autrefois sans age et toujours incessant, accessible ou incessible, mais jamais insensible.
Brazilian writer and Multimedia Artist dancing on words as she travels the´three´corners of the world in a shakinspiring way, orbiting exorbitantly around her daily dearly deals in no hurry no worry through ordered ordeals. She also enjoys writing in third person.
Summer fairy
Fairy of Spring
She had a beautiful body and a strong heart.
She was very flexible and stretched all day.
She moved with anything that surrounded her.
She imitated all the animals, even flies and bees.
She floated in the water and in every stream.
And she shook and trembled like leaves from the trees.
She could fly and jump as high as the birds.
She made many mouvements and they were not in vain,
for everything had a life all made of words.
A little breath she took and she jumped in a hurricane.
She could not get the wind, not even a breeze.
She observed how the wind touched the windowpane.
Trying desperately to fulfill her wisdom,
she penetrate into the forest and proclaim
that from now on four seasons shall reign.
All pretty and charming she decided she would be
She left her essence, her perfume in all things
for she had a colourful joyful way of living.
Leg(ally) Filed
Making a study of a choreography so complicated that I cannot even remember how to dance it. Well, I will have to rehearse it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, after all it's the practice that makes perfection, isn't that right??
Yet my toes're already torn
for a new dance to be born,
though tough, Ballet shoes,
they are not toys for toes.
Ballet "Seasons" by Alexander Glazunov
Fairy of Spring
She had a beautiful body and a strong heart.
She was very flexible and stretched all day.
She moved with anything that surrounded her.
She imitated all the animals, even flies and bees.
She floated in the water and in every stream.
And she shook and trembled like leaves from the trees.
She could fly and jump as high as the birds.
She made many mouvements and they were not in vain,
for everything had a life all made of words.
A little breath she took and she jumped in a hurricane.
She could not get the wind, not even a breeze.
She observed how the wind touched the windowpane.
Trying desperately to fulfill her wisdom,
she penetrate into the forest and proclaim
that from now on four seasons shall reign.
All pretty and charming she decided she would be
She left her essence, her perfume in all things
for she had a colourful joyful way of living.
Ballet "Seasons" by Alexander Glazunov
The Summer Itch
A study for my new ballet "Seasons" based upon my book "Sea Sons-Rhymes & Songs" available at Amazon (and in Japan@
Ballet "Seasons"
Sunrise over Andes
Heaven is thine
Embrace what's mine
As I cannot give a flower
Vividly there to shine.
Entice the kiss as shadows of a bliss
Never ending the sunshine of ours.
Love frees us of all pain,
Or that one may restrain.
Vicious circle that ever widens without end.
Essentially a glorious manifestation we befriend.
Love with no boundaries and no restraint,
Or it makes one saint, or the other faint;
Vows the sweetest face, the tenderest embrace,
Each bringing the sun to place in such grace.
Sometimes the snow comes down in June again.
Or also it's the sun that goes round a blue mountain.
Under the sun nature comes to life this very morning
Little birds sing, busy bees and drivers are horning.
The sun rising over the Andes makes me meditate
Over the place we are, in our Earth current state.
On how we can create more harmony with violet light
Letting Love vibration surround us into a deep insight.
HEAVEN LOVE, LOVE: SOUL TOOL - Acrostic by Ana Claudia nTunes