Neruda's house in Santiago was named by the Nobel prize of Literature as "Chascona" after his wife's look for she always wore her hair as a big tugged wig. She was often called "Medusa" for that (or perhaps her character;) and visiting his house gave me inspiration for small lyrics which I transcribe below in Spanish and translate in English.
La Chascona (Neruda's House)
Lyrics by Ana 'nTunes
Hay una mujer desnuda
en la casa de Neruda!
Inside Pablo Neruda's home
a body lies without a dome.
Luego de llegar a la entrada
uno poede ver una bella hada.
Right there in the front hall
we see a fairy in an icy wall.
En su amplio y calmo jardin
hay de misterios un sin fin.
Endless enigma had the bard
In a large and calm backyard.
En medio de la pieza rara
hay un quadro con su cara.
In the middle of a rare room
a portrait reveals his gloom.
Subiendo la escalera en el hall
uno como que entra en un caracol.
Climbing up the weird snail stair
will make you grasp for some air.
Y en esa pieza hay montones de cosas
de libros tan antiguos como de losas.
Up there it's a room filled with bric-a-brac
and rare books that'll make you want to pack.
Pero lo que mas me encanto en su casa
fue ver la gente mirar a ver que pasa.
But what I most enjoyed there after all
t'was to see visitors passing by the hall.