La Chascona (Neruda's House)
Lyrics by Ana 'nTunes
en la casa de Neruda!
Inside Pablo Neruda's home
a body lies without a dome.
uno poede ver una bella hada.
Right there in the front hall
we see a fairy in an icy wall.
hay de misterios un sin fin.
Endless enigma had the bard
In a large and calm backyard.
En medio de la pieza rara
hay un quadro con su cara.
In the middle of a rare room
a portrait reveals his gloom.
uno como que entra en un caracol.
Climbing up the weird snail stair
will make you grasp for some air.
de libros tan antiguos como de losas.
Up there it's a room filled with bric-a-brac
and rare books that'll make you want to pack.
fue ver la gente mirar a ver que pasa.
But what I most enjoyed there after all
t'was to see visitors passing by the hall.
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