Yesterday I went to Sao Paulo with my mother to go to the International Book Fair and I stayed there all day long. I was so tired of walking there all day and carrying all the heavy books my mom wanted to buy that now I cannot even sleep so much my back hurts. There I also went to a conference lead by a new authour, and illustrator (just as I am) who spoke up about his beliefs which in a way echoed my own thoughts about the publishing media. I could keep listening to him for the whole evening. He said that everyone has a story to tell and he certainly did have a lot of his own, not to mention of other people he met (and you can view his blog here: But I was so overwhelmed by the exhaustion that I could not even speak with the contact I had with the editor. I passed right through him, saying only a brief "hello" and then leaving for I was already late to my mother's appointment. Later on we still went to see my sister rehearsal as she said she was singing just for me who won't be there when she has her presentation in two weeks. Saturday I will go to a lecture of a writer friend of mine at the local library right at the beach. She's been writing for the major newspaper here in Santos. So I kind of look up for her. Next week i will be back in Santiago. Already missing the sunny days I've been spending at the beach...
Obrigado por suas belas palavras! Entendi o porquê do cansaço e do encontro com editor – mas mesmo assim vou pensar em uma prenda para você pagar. E ainda por cima,você é linda! Ai fica fácil ter o mundo nas mãos né? Grande abraço! O que você está ilustrando no momento? Mostro o meu se vc mostrar o seu!
Muito Obrigada por seu lindo elogio. So que as vezes nao vejo que tenho o mundo nas maos mas realmente muitas vezes sinto que o carrego todo nas costas... e ainda por cima depois do acidente que tive agora que as minhas costas estao gritando comigo. Bom, tenho varias ilustracoes para mostrar se vc puder deixar seu email a gente ainda pode trocar muita figurinha por ahi.
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