Ana's Bookstore

Ana's Bookstore
In print and ebooks


Celebrating Years of Work

I've just got the news that "Life is Too Short..." is going to be released in April by Devine Destinies. And I'm simply dazzled by the cover of my new book created by Angie Waters (

This book is about past lives experiences, about the future, but most importantly about the precious moment that is NOW.

For over twenty years I've been directed to play so many roles it was virtually impossible to keep track of them all. Until last year when I got my own camera and found out that to be on the other side is much more amusing... it's even more fun if you can manage to be in both ways (and at the same time:)

L'amour que je ressente pour l'Art
me fait chanter comme un oiseau qui part
a voler dans les abimes du ciel bleu
l'oiseau qui veux vivre
a chanter tout autour...

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