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Changing the Guard at Palacio de la Moneda

"En Garde!" He shouts.
"What's this all about?"
could have sang the bards.
"Changing the Guards."

What were they doing
before they went renewing
the others marching in the yard
Changing the Guards?

Were they playing cards
or were all in disregard?
What if they miss their time
when nothing else should rhyme?

It would have made a mess
if they were playing chess,
instead of Changing the Guards.
It must be so very hard...

To stay up all day long
and doing nothing wrong.
How can they belong
and still stay so strong?

What if some of the guards
leave soon or are in retard?
What happens if they move
from their conventional groove?

"Changing the Guards" © 2008 Ana Claudia Antunes

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